
Tuesday 2 July 2013

Application blocked by security settings while running applet from browser

Your security settings have blocked the application from running.

Have you faced this error while trying to run java applet from any of the browser like chrome, internet explorer or Mozilla firefox?
If yes, you can fix this problem by following below steps.

In Windows xp or windows 7 you can go to java settings through control panel.
Then you have to select the security tab.
Then set the security level to medium. Then you have to restart the browser and check if applet is working or not.
Please ensure that you have enabled the Java plug-in in the browser.

In newer Java version 1.7 and above, You will not see security level as medium. Below screenshot shows the security tab for latest java environment.

So if you want to run applet in browsers, you will have to add the url to the exception list.
Another thing is that you should also make sure that Java plug-in of your browser is enabled.

You may also encounter exception - ClassNotFoundException. This error comes when your class is not in the classpath. Applet searches the classes in current directory. If it does not find the the classes in the current directory, it searches the class in directories mentioned in classpath environment variable. If it is not found there as well, ClassNotFoundException is thrown.

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